Bundling of telecom services into a Triple Play offering is a tactic often used by the Big Telcos to lock in customers. How can an independent service provider combat that ? By differentiating your offering by providing consumer and business customers with additional value that the other guys don’t provide ; asset protection services.
GPS asset tracking is the next step beyond mere security services, it truly allows your customers to “Protect Their Passions”. Amitel has partnered with WhereSafe, a Canadian company, to give service providers like you the ability to offer an affordable GPS asset tracking across North America simply and quickly to your customer base, both consumer and commercial.
WhereSafe is the culmination of 16 years in market research and experience through the development of the well-known commercial fleet GPS tracking system – Trackem. The WhereSafe team recognized a shift in consumer perception of GPS tracking technology. They understand that today consumers (not just businesses) are comfortable with GPS; they understand it and embrace the benefits.
WhereSafe developers took the Trackem business solution and simplified it down to suit the needs of todays families. WhereSafe has been specifically designed to be a family safety and asset protection service for consumers that is simple to use and affordable.
The system consists of a piece of easy to install GPS tracking hardware and a smart phone app, which once downloaded is ready to use. Hardware options are portable or plug and play and are ultra-durable for weather and extreme use. Consumers can use WhereSafe to track vehicles, ATVs and motorcycles, boats, RVs, trailers, equipment, even loved ones, and more.
The goal is to provide users with piece of mind, without having to always be on your phone monitoring the location of family or assets. The GPS technology used leverages real-time tracking versus on-demand. The WhereSafe app works in the background only notifying you IF and when a predetermined event actually happens.
Typical Use Cases;
- With WhereSafe GPS equipped vehicles, you can know where loved ones are at all times
- Get notified if family members are in busy locations or otherwise where they should not be
- This applies to those that live under your roof (ie teenagers) and those who live elsewhere (eg. elderly parents)
- Work remotely and use WhereSafe GPS to report work travel hours to your employer
- Some regions are seeing spikes in theft of personal property. WhereSafe equipped assets (cars, boats, ATVs, RVs, tractors, etc.) can be tracked in real-time by GPS
- Get notified if any asset at your home or other properties moves when it is not supposed to
- If you are a business owner, know where your business equipment is at all times

Asset tracking gives service providers another item to sell, to increase revenues and when added to bundles to increase profits per sale. The technology re-sold to end clients is fully supported by the vendor. You as a service provider do not have to stock any GPS tacker inventory as the vendor will fully market, stock and fulfill orders.
The end process for the customer is turnkey. Simply install the magnetic tracker in a good hidden location on the vehicle, download the app and they are ready. This requires no training time for the service providers staff.
To get more specific information on this GPS technology and how it can help your business contact Timo via the form on this website, via Twitter or our Facebook or LinkedIn company pages.
E-mail wholesale@amitel.com
Twitter @TimoVainionpaa
Phone (888) 222-8353 (888-222-TELE)