Monday, November 4th is the start of the 2019 Canadian ISP Summit to be held at the Toronto Mariott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. Designed for Internet Service Providers (large and small) from across the country, the Canadian ISP Summit is a conference that allows attendees to learn, grow and network.
It is put on by CNOC, The Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. There are three days filled with keynotes, panels, general sessions and lightening talks. There will be technical sessions, business related sessions and always some superb regulatory discussions. There are plenty of opportunities to network before and after sessions, during coffee breaks and meals as well as cocktail receptions and fabulous dinners.

This show is one of my favourites. I have attended three of the last four ISP Summits and will be attending again this year. It gives me an opportunity to focus on the data side of AurorA’s business. International telecommunications is more than just voice termination; AurorA also provides international data services such as MPLS, Cloud Connectivity, SD-WAN and even Tier 1 Internet. The Amitel side has partnerships that can help ISP’s with merchant service and payment processing, billing systems, colocation at 151 Front Street and even business process outsourcing. The Summit energizes me, educates me and introduces me to industry people from all across Canada.
Once again we’ll be blogging from the conference. My goal is to post a summary each night of some of the more significant talks, discussion and events of the Summit that I feel would be relevant to you, my readers, specifically from an international telecom perspective.
Hopefully, I will see you live at the Canadian ISP Summit. If not, then check in here in November for my updates from #ISPSummit. If there is something specific you would like me to cover then leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter (@TimoVainionpaa)